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Sens. Sampson & Berthel Statement on FBI Crackdown on Violent Hartford Gang
Sen. Rob Sampson and Sen. Eric Berthel today issued the following statement regarding the FBI announcing charges against several violent Connecticut gang members in an effort to take back Hartford neighborhoods. ( “We commend local, state and federal law enforcement on this coordinated effort to make Hartford’s streets safer. Had these arrested individuals been violent ... Sens. Sampson & Berthel Statement on FBI Crackdown on Violent Hartford Gang
Sens. Sampson & Harding Statement on Bill to Provide CT Taxpayer Funded Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers
Sen. Rob Sampson and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding Senate Democrats prioritizing a proposal to provide state taxpayer funded unemployment benefits for striking workers. “This is Connecticut Democrats’ priority? What a tone deaf, dangerous message to send to our business community. This proposal essentially tells companies to not do business in ... Sens. Sampson & Harding Statement on Bill to Provide CT Taxpayer Funded Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers