State Senator Stephen Harding

State Senator Stephen Harding
Senate Minority Leader
Stephen Harding, named Senate Minority Leader in 2024, represents Connecticut’s 30th Senate District. He was first elected to the Senate in 2022 after serving four terms in the 107th House District. A lawyer and Brookfield resident for nearly 30 years, Senator Harding has been involved with local boards and is a coach for youth sports. He serves as Ranking Member of the Environment Committee and Legislative Management Committee. He is also a member on the Education, Finance, and Judiciary Committees.
Latest News
Explore the latest news and updates about State Senator Stephen Harding.
CT Senate GOP Lawmakers’ Statement on Denial of Parole for Convict in CT Trooper’s Killing
Sen. Heather Somers, Sen. Paul Cicarella, Sen. Jeff Gordon and Sen. Stephen Harding issued the following statement regarding the DENIAL of parole today for a man convicted in an ambush-style killing of CT State Police trooper Russell Bagshaw in the early 1990s. “Good! We joined with law enforcement groups from across America as well as ... Stephen Harding
CT Senate GOP: Senate Dems “must have watched a different press conference.”
Sen. Stephen Harding, Sen. Ryan Fazio and Sen. Heather Somers issued the following statement regarding Senate Democrats’ comments on the Senate Republican tax relief plan: “They must have watched a different press conference. The only things in this plan are tax REDUCTIONS: Something CT Senate Democrats are obviously not interested in. Hey, CT Senate Democrats: ... Stephen Harding
CT Senate GOP Statement on Governor’s EV Announcement
Sen. Jeff Gordon, Sen. Henri Martin, Sen. Ryan Fazio and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding the governor announcing that he has little appetite to resume the effort to phase out sales of new gas-powered cars over the next decade. (Related story: https://ctmirror.org/2025/02/03/ned-lamont-ct-electric-vehicles/) “Good. The EV mandate would have crushed already struggling ... Stephen Harding
CSCU Executive Spending Audit Released; CT GOP Lawmakers: “It Reveals Arrogance.”
Senate Minority Leader Stephen Harding, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, and Government Oversight Committee Ranking Members Sen. Rob Sampson and Rep. Devin Carney issued the following statement regarding a Jan. 30 state auditors report on Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Executive Leadership Spending. “We thank our state’s bipartisan fiscal watchdogs for acting on this request ... Stephen Harding
Sens. Kissel & Harding Statement on Proposed Hate Crime Legislation
Sen. John A. Kissel and Sen. Stephen Harding issued the following statement regarding the governor’s proposed hate crime legislation. “Connecticut has been a national leader in creating strong hate crime laws, and we must continue to take a strong stand. These outrageous and cowardly actions must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ... Stephen Harding
Press Releases
CT Senate GOP statement on DC plane-helicopter crash
For Immediate Release Sen. Stephen Harding, speaking for the CT Senate Republican Caucus, issued the following statement regarding the first U.S. commercial airline fatalities in 16 years. “Absolutely tragic. We pray for the victims and their loved ones. We are also grateful to all of the first responders who risked their lives in an attempt to ... Stephen Harding
CT GOP Leaders Respond to Democrats’ Calls to Expand Health Coverage to More Undocumented Immigrants
FOR IMMEDIATE RELASE Jan. 28, 2025 Republican Leaders Respond to Democrats’ Calls to Expand Husky Healthcare Coverage to More Undocumented Immigrants HARTFORD—House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora and Senate Republican Leader Stephen Harding on Tuesday released the following statement: “Expanding free state healthcare to all illegal immigrants isn’t the courageous, noble act Democrats portray it to ... Stephen Harding
Press Releases
CT GOP Senators: Murderous cannibal should never be released
For Immediate Release Sen. Henri Martin, Sen. Heather Somers, Sen. Paul Cicarella and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding CT government officials who are considering the February release of a murderous cannibal even as his victim’s family is raising objections. “Mind-boggling. What about the victims of this grotesque violent crime? This ax-wielding cannibal washed his victim’s eyeballs and ... Stephen Harding
Sen. Harding Statement on Adrian Peeler Commutation
Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding the commuting of notorious convicted CT double murderer Adrian Peeler’s prison sentence. “Outrageous. U.S. Sen. Blumenthal noted that someone ‘dropped the ball’. He’s absolutely right. Bridgeport Mayor Ganim called it a ‘terrible miscarriage of justice.’ He’s right, too. We need answers and accountability. This is a ... Stephen Harding
Another Super Bowl and, once again, my Giants are graciously letting other teams have their moment. Maybe next year, right? Until then, let’s enjoy the game, the commercials, and maybe a few too many wings. Have a safe and fun Super Bowl Sunday!🏈 ... See MoreSee Less

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This morning, I had the privilege of joining students, faculty, and fellow legislators at the Northwestern Community College’s Legislative Breakfast in Winsted. It was inspiring to hear firsthand about the incredible educational opportunities NWCC provides and the challenges the college is working to overcome.
As a vital institution in our region, we must continue to support NWCC and ensure access to quality education for all. Thank you to the students and faculty for an insightful and engaging discussion!
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“Struggling Connecticut middle class families and businesses are getting crushed. They want affordability now. We must reduce taxes across the board.”
Today, I stood with my fellow CT Senate Republican colleagues to unveil a sweeping tax relief proposal that aims to lower costs for middle class families and job creators.
The proposals would:
✅ Cut income tax rates
✅Simplify the tax code
✅ Institute a 2% property tax cap for municipalities
✅ Cut licensing fees and reduce filing fees
✅ Reduce the paid family leave tax
✅ Tighten the bonding cap
✅ Eliminate unfunded mandates
✅ Permanently extend the fiscal guardrails
💵 We seek to deliver income tax relief of more than $700 million in the biennium.
To learn more, watch the press conference here: www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/2025/02/watch-ct-senate-gop-pushes-for-tax-relief/ @followers
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