As Inflation Surges, CT Republicans Push for Relief to Make CT Affordable

June 7, 2022

As Inflation Surges, CT Republicans Push for Relief to Make CT Affordable - CT Senate Republic

Today Connecticut Senate and House Republican lawmakers called for a special legislative session focused on making Connecticut more affordable as residents struggle with rising inflation.


Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora (R-North Branford) unveiled a package of policies to make Connecticut more affordable for working- and middle-class families, which includes providing relief from rising energy costs as well as cutting the income tax, sales tax, and taxes that drive up the prices of food.

The package includes:

  • a permanent reduction to the income tax for low to moderate income individuals and families
  • a sales tax reduction and meals tax suspension
  • suspension of the diesel excise tax
  • repeal of the new state truck tax, and
  • bolstering assistance to families that need help paying for energy costs like heating oil.


“Connecticut is unaffordable and growing more unaffordable by the day,” said Sen. Kelly. “At the same time, Connecticut is overtaxing its residents. While state revenues surge because of inflation, household budgets are strained to the breaking point. The overtaxation of CT residents must be returned to taxpayers. CT Democrats voted against significant and long-term tax relief during the legislative session, instead opting for only short-term rebates for a select few. Meanwhile, the pain has not stopped for CT residents and families. It’s only gotten worse. State revenues have further increased; but as government gets richer, CT families are experiencing more pain. They need further relief.”


“The financial pressure residents feel now will soon grow more severe if we fail to act,” said Rep. Candelora. “The diesel fuel tax is expected to increase on July 1, and the consensus view is that it will drive prices for goods and services to a point that’s untenable for so many Connecticut residents. The Governor knows this. General Assembly Democrats know this. They should join us and take immediate action not only on this issue, but also on the looming Jan. 1 truck tax that everyone from farmers to food distributors say will wallop businesses and consumers alike. Connecticut residents need relief, and our combination of short and long-term solutions such as a targeted income tax reduction will give residents confidence that government finally recognizes the state’s affordability crisis.”


CT Republicans proposed a $1.2 billion tax relief package during the regular 2022 legislative session, but every Democrat in the state legislature voted against the tax reductions. CT Republicans are now proposing to utilize $746.2 million in remaining state surplus funds to provide this relief. This requires no budget cuts, preserves a historic $2.85 billion in additional contributions to pay down on pension debt, and maintains a record breaking $3.3 billion in the budget reserve fund – the maximum amount allowed.


CT Republicans are urging the public to join their calls by visiting, signing the petition to call for a special session, and joining their “Rally for an Affordable Connecticut” events across the state. Senate and House Republicans will be taking their message on the road to call for action.