Sen. Ryan Fazio Holds Press Conference About Rising Water Rates and Public Distrust

February 3, 2025

Sen. Ryan Fazio Holds Press Conference About Rising Water Rates and Public Distrust - CT Senate Republic

NEW CANAAN, CT – Today, State Senator Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich) held a press conference with legislative and municipal leaders to express concerns about Eversource’s agreement to sell Aquarion Water company to the Regional Water Authority (RWA). The concern is raised over the lack of regulatory oversite this sale will bring, potentially allowing water rates to increase for CT residents by as much as 50%.

“This transaction stinks and can have a harmful effect on my constituents and all Aquarion customers,” said Sen. Fazio. “Now, Aquarion will not be regulated by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, or PURA, which means rate increases for customers in Western CT will go unchecked without regulatory approval.”

“Additionally, Aquarion will now be part of a quasi-governmental utility, therefore will not be required to pay full property taxes on their resident towns and cities. With this comes a strong possibility that taxes will increase on the rest of us to make up for the monetary loss.”

The RWA’s bid on Aquarion was rushed during an emergency legislative session last summer, the topic did not receive public debates or hearings before it was accepted.

“Connecticut residents deserve a lower cost of living, affordable utilities, and a trustworthy government. Unfortunately, the Aquarion sale to Regional Water Authority, which their elected officials imposed upon them will deliver higher utility bills and diminished trust,” said Sen. Fazio