(Watch) CT GOP Lawmakers Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills
January 28, 2025
(Watch the press conference here: https://ct-n.com/ctnplayer.asp?odID=24133.)
As Connecticut residents are opening up their January electricity bills, Connecticut Republicans today unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
“People are hurting. Republicans are once again offering specific ideas to put consumers first and provide much-needed relief to Connecticut families,” Sen. Republican Leader Stephen Harding said. “Small businesses are clamoring for relief. We must act, and we have a detailed plan to help consumers.”
“It’s time for majority party Democrats who control the energy agenda to acknowledge what utility ratepayers and analysts have made clear: their entire approach to energy policy, rooted in flawed priorities and misguided philosophy, has failed everyone,” House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora said. “This session is an opportunity to shift toward affordability, and unfortunately their recent news conference made it clear they’re out of ideas. We urge Democrats to adopt our proposals as the foundation for the action residents want and deserve.”
“Electricity costs are still too damn high,” said Sen. Ryan Fazio, Ranking Senator on the Energy and Technology Committee. “Anyone who has seen their January electric bill can tell you that. Connecticut residents are hurting from these high costs and they are begging their elected officials to do something about it. We have been offering specific plans for the last two years to do just that, including removing public benefits charges that are inflating electric bills. We can do so much better in this state, and we are hoping to work with our Democratic colleagues to get these common sense ideas passed into law.”
“High energy bills are burdening residents and businesses across Connecticut, driving up the cost of living and straining budgets in every sector,” Rep. Tracy Marra, Ranking Representative on the Energy and Technology Committee, said. “With prices rising again last month, heating our homes has become an even greater challenge. Our residents aren’t asking for much—just a fair energy bill. I’m encouraged that we are having these discussions early, and I am hopeful that the solutions we’re putting forward will be part of the conversation.”
The Republicans’ plan would:
- remove Public Benefits Charges from electric bills
- prohibit agreements that buy electricity at 150 % above the wholesale price
- redefine “Class I renewable energy source” to include any
- electricity generated from a hydropower or nuclear power generating facility
- separate PURA from DEEP
- eliminate any incentive program that increases electric demand, including, any electric vehicle rebate program
- study ways to increase the supply of natural gas