CT GOP Senators: Murderous cannibal should never be released

January 24, 2025

CT GOP Senators: Murderous cannibal should never be released - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Henri Martin, Sen. Heather Somers, Sen. Paul Cicarella and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding CT government officials who are considering the February release of a murderous cannibal even as his victim’s family is raising objections.

“Mind-boggling. What about the victims of this grotesque violent crime? This ax-wielding cannibal washed his victim’s eyeballs and brain down with a bottle of sake.

In 2013, he was found insane and sentenced to 60 years at CT’s psychiatric hospital. After a mere 10 years, the State said he reached ‘clinical stability’ and was ‘medication-compliant’.

Now, this cannibal could be set free? No one will be watching him around the clock to ensure that he takes his medicine?

The victim’s family says they ‘don’t care where he serves the rest of his life, as long as it’s behind locked doors.’ Is anyone listening to them? This person should never be out. Is there any justice for these victims?

In less than a month, this cannibal killer could be discharged from confinement to reside in the community. This would put public safety in jeopardy and be yet another terrible message to send to CT violent crime victims and their families.”