CT GOP Leaders Respond to Democrat News Conference on President Donald Trump
January 28, 2025
House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora and Senate Republican Leader Stephen Harding released the following statement in response to an afternoon news conference from Connecticut Democrats on President Donald J. Trump’s examination of federal grants:
“It’s no surprise that Connecticut Democrats, showcasing their penchant for theatrics over substance, are raising alarm over President Trump’s common-sense efforts to ensure tax dollars are spent wisely and align with his executive actions.
After all, these are the same individuals who believe taxpayers should foot the bill for placing tampons in boys’ bathrooms in our schools.
Let’s be clear: the President’s federal funding pause is far from the doomsday scenario Democrats are peddling.
Their claims are nothing more than an attempt to gaslight Connecticut residents.
If Attorney General Tong and other Democrat leaders invested half as much effort into lowering costs for electric ratepayers as they do defending criminal illegal aliens and librarians promoting sexualized content in schools, Connecticut families would be far better off.”