CSCU Executive Spending Audit Released; CT GOP Lawmakers: “It Reveals Arrogance.”
January 31, 2025

Senate Minority Leader Stephen Harding, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, and Government Oversight Committee Ranking Members Sen. Rob Sampson and Rep. Devin Carney issued the following statement regarding a Jan. 30 state auditors report on Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Executive Leadership Spending.
“We thank our state’s bipartisan fiscal watchdogs for acting on this request for an in-depth review.
The extravagant spending was tone deaf and troubling when we learned of it in a CT Insider Investigation back in October.
We now have a more detailed look at the spending abuses and procedural failures within the CSCU system which have been a black eye for the State of Connecticut.
What it reveals is a lack of respect for students, parents, staff, and taxpayers alike.
It reveals arrogance.
And it should be a focus of the legislature’s newly created Government Oversight Committee.
Republicans have called for the termination of Chancellor Terrence Cheng’s employment.
The governor doesn’t feel the same way.
Let’s now hear what the residents of Connecticut have to say about this. We need a public forum. That forum will generate reforms.”
The report can be viewed here: