Sen. Harding pans letting volunteer state board members get CT health insurance benefits

May 6, 2024

Sen. Harding pans letting volunteer state board members get CT health insurance benefits - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Republican Leader Stephen Harding issued the following statement about the proposal in sections 133 to 136 of House Bill 5523 to enable volunteer state board members to receive state health insurance benefits.

“Volunteers are now going to get State of Connecticut health benefits? Unbelievable, but true. This is yet another bad policy shoved into a large bill at the last minute by majority Democrats. There was no public hearing on this, so the people’s voice was silenced. Where’s the transparency? And consider the impact of this policy: People will now want to get on these state boards for the benefits instead of for public service reasons. When volunteers get these health benefits they will be cemented into those boards. But this is unfortunately what we get with one-party Democrat rule in Connecticut.”