CT GOP Senators Blast Lack of Real Election Reforms Post-Bridgeport Ballot Stuffing Fiasco
May 3, 2024
Sen. Republican Leader Stephen Harding and Sen. Rob Sampson, Ranking Senator of the Government Administration and Elections Committee today expressed disappointment about the lack of meaningful election integrity reforms as the legislative session approaches its May 8 adjournment.
“On April 1, Republicans held a press conference to send a simple, direct message to Connecticut voters: ‘Don’t be fooled.’ Don’t be fooled by those who say that the Bridgeport ballot stuffing is being addressed. Don’t be fooled by those who say the legislature is getting to the root of the ballot fraud problems in Bridgeport and elsewhere. Don’t be fooled by Democrats who say election reform and election integrity is their top priority. Because clearly it isn’t. And why isn’t it a priority? Because the current system works for the majority party. As Republicans predicted, there will be no real, achievable, common sense election reforms to deter future Bridgeport fiascos. The ballot stuffing will continue. The voter fraud will continue. The world is watching Connecticut. Those embarrassing Bridgeport ballot stuffing videos went viral. Today and in the future, Republicans will continue to hammer home this message to voters.”
Republicans had offered several reforms which have not been taken up by majority Democrats.
Today, Democrats killed a bill that would have created mandatory prison terms for election fraud.