Sen. Berthel Applauds Appropriations Committee’s Commitment to Uphold CT Spending Limits
April 5, 2024
State Sen. Eric Berthel (R-Watertown), ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, applauded the committee’s decision to uphold the bipartisan spending limits set forth in the FY 2024-25 biennial, bipartisan state budget. The $52 billion budget was signed into law by Gov. Lamont last June and contained the largest income tax cut in state history.
“Maintaining our commitments is crucial. This session, public concern has emerged over funding for education, nonprofits, and essential services supported by the budget. My consituents are equally concerned about the cost of living amidst sustained historic inflation on everyday goods and services. Last June, we were able to work together to offer families a positive first step with tax relief because we agreed to hold the line on spending. To veer from this path is to betray taxpayers.
“Despite seven years of positive financial outcomes under current fiscal policies, I am wary of efforts to bypass our essential budget safeguards. Altering these protections risks our state’s financial health, which has been strong. It’s vital we stay true to our promises to Connecticut’s residents.”
The current state budget’s fiscal guardrails reflect Republican ideas dating back to 2018 to address the needs of struggling Connecticut families by statutorily limiting the state’s spending.