CT GOP Lawmakers Blast Dems for Blaming Grocery Stores for Bidenflation
April 12, 2024
Connecticut Republican lawmakers today blasted state Democrats for blaming grocery stores for Bidenflation:
“Soaring food prices are crushing families nationwide and here in Connecticut, where Democrats are using a flimsy study to gaslight frustrated residents by trying to shift blame away from the Biden administration’s failures to get inflation under control. Grocery stores are critical partners in our local and state economies, employing thousands of people here despite an ever-changing—and costly—regulatory environment,” said Senate Republican Leader Stephen Harding and House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora. “Instead of this transparent PR stunt, Democrats should look in the mirror and face the reality that their decisions, coupled with Bidenomics, have compounded the financial stress faced by residents who are tired of paying an arm and a leg for a bag of chips.”
Sen. Heather Somers (R-Mystic) and Sen. Harding added, “It is hypocritical for Connecticut Democrats to be talking about how unaffordable groceries are. Democrat-supported policies have repeatedly driven up the cost of everything in Connecticut. They are responsible for the crisis. Just a few examples include the Democrat-backed truck tax, the Democrat-backed meals tax, their anti-business and anti-consumer government mandates, and the upcoming Democrat-supported 4.5% annual pay increases to state union employees that will be baked into all of our taxes. People feel the pain of our unaffordable Connecticut and they know a political stunt when they see it. We saw that clearly today and we invite Democrats to continue these photo ops which show just how out of touch they are.”