(Photo) Suffield residents featured on “Sen. Kissel & Friends”

February 2, 2024

(Photo) Suffield residents featured on “Sen. Kissel & Friends” - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Suffield residents featured on “Senator  Kissel & Friends”

In the latest edition of Sen. John A. Kissel’s PATV 15 show “Senator Kissel & Friends”, Sen. Kissel is joined by a Suffield mother and her daughter who are raising awareness about little known disorders called “PANDAS” and “PANS”.  The Woodburys were instrumental in getting Oct. 9 declared “PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day” in the State of Connecticut. The show can be viewed at www.SenatorKissel.com. (Photo, left to right: Sen. John A. Kissel, Jordyn Woodbury and Carrie Woodbury)