PHOTO | North Haven Lawmakers Join Police Department to Hear Residents’ Concerns on Crime

January 11, 2024

PHOTO | North Haven Lawmakers Join Police Department to Hear Residents’ Concerns on Crime - CT Senate Republic


 From left to right: North Haven First Selectman Michael Freda, State Rep. Dave Yaccarino, State Sen. Paul Cicarella, and law enforcement from the North Haven Police Department on Jan. 10 hosted a public safety forum for residents at the North Haven Recreation Center to address the growing concerns on the uptick in local crime, which is also a statewide problem. Police outlined the legislative impediments that they face to pursue and arrest criminals, while the lawmakers discussed what is being done at the state and local level to support police and deter crime. The panel of lawmakers and police then listened to the concerns and ideas of residents during a question-and-answer session.


“These forums are important because we can hear from residents and continue to listen to their concerns. Everyone is frustrated at the rise in crime, and the frequency and gall of the criminals committing these blatant crimes. We all must continue to support police. Likewise, we as lawmakers will continue to advance proposals in Hartford that increase the penalties for offenders who repeatedly commit crimes. Everyone across the state must hold their elected officials accountable and demand change in our laws. Community safety must be the main priority,” said Sen. Cicarella and Rep. Yaccarino.


North Haven First Selectman Michael Freda said, “I would like to thank State Sen. Paul Cicarella and State Rep. Dave Yaccarino for hosting an open forum with our residents as to what they are trying to accomplish in Hartford regarding introducing legislation to help improve public safety in our communities. I appreciate all of Paul and Dave’s efforts in supporting the mission to ensure that our residents are safe, and I appreciate their support for our police.”