Sen. Seminara: More $$ needed to help vulnerable CT residents stay warm
December 11, 2023

For Immediate Release
Sen. Lisa Seminara, the Ranking Senator on the Human Services Committee, the Aging Committee and the Committee on Children, today issued the following statement regarding Operation Fuel’s 2023 affordability gap study and lawmakers expressing support for approving more state home heating assistance funding.
“This study is highly concerning and deserves all of our attention: It found that approximately 424,000 Connecticut households face unaffordable home energy costs. Working families with young children, people with medical conditions, seniors on fixed income and vulnerable residents across the state need help. These are our neighbors, friends and relatives. We are at crisis levels. At the State Capitol, I will continue to be a strong advocate for the dedication of funding to help people staying warm in the winter. It is a basic human need. I will work earnestly, collaboratively and in bipartisan fashion to address these challenges. I urge area residents to visit – no donation is too small. Thank you.”