Sen. Kelly on home heating $$ crisis: “These are our neighbors in need.”
December 7, 2023
For Immediate Release
Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly today issued the following statement regarding Operation Fuel’s 2023 affordability gap study and Democrat lawmakers expressing support for approving potentially $30 million more in state home heating assistance funding.
“Operation Fuel does yeoman’s work in raising awareness about this ongoing crisis. For years, Republicans have also been sounding this alarm. Benefits have plummeted for poor and working families with children, the disabled, seniors on fixed income and veterans. Two years ago, low-income Connecticut families received about $4,000 a year to heat their homes. This year, that same family will get less than $1,000. This has happened despite the spike in the costs of goods and services due to inflation. This has happened despite the fact that the cost of heating oil and electricity has increased. There are more and more families falling behind. Yet time and again, the majority takes a ‘wait and see’ approach and puts its faith in a dysfunctional Washington to rescue us. These are our neighbors in need, and as lawmakers, we need to protect them. That’s why I wrote to President Biden and Congressional leadership to urge them to work in bipartisan fashion to help Connecticut. Staying warm in the winter is a basic human need, and Republicans will continue to beat the drum on the need for action.”