(photo) Sen. Hwang: Fairfield pop-up biz emphasizes kindness, mental health awareness

December 19, 2023

(photo) Sen. Hwang: Fairfield pop-up biz emphasizes kindness, mental health awareness - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Hwang: Fairfield pop-up biz emphasizes
kindness, mental health awareness

FAIRFIELD – Sen. Tony Hwang today highlighted a local pop-up business which emphasizes that you are not alone.

Ellie Haney, with the support of her childhood best friend, Emma Kilbride, co-founded their own company “Here For You” to communicate that important mental health awareness message.

What was once a text that was frequently shared between the two of them, Ellie and Emma not only share it with the community around them, but with the whole world. Stitched or printed, the “Here For You” message on their apparel conveys support, comfort and community.

“I commend this pop-up business on their support of mental health awareness by reinforcing the affirming and comforting message that we are ‘here and present’ whenever it is needed,” Sen. Hwang said. “No judgment or questions, just a simple and powerfully subtle message of being here for you!”

Sen. Hwang is encouraging holiday shoppers to check out Here For You’s Holiday Pop Up at 1215 Post Road in Fairfield or visit www.HereForYouClothing.com