Senator Martin Advocates for the Safety of Healthcare Professionals Following Tragic Incident in Willimantic
November 2, 2023

In light of the recent investigation into the heartbreaking death of a visiting nurse and devoted foster and adoptive parent, Joyce Grayson, State Senator Henri Martin (R-Bristol) is calling for action to enhance safety measures even further for healthcare professionals not in just the home healthcare sector but throughout all healthcare professions.
“It is deeply saddening that it takes such a tragic incident to open other’s eyes as to the rise in assaults and general increase in unsafe working conditions for healthcare professionals,” Senator Martin stated. “Our healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to the service of others, and it is our duty to reciprocate that dedication by providing them with the necessary protection they deserve.”
Senator Martin has long been a champion for the safety of healthcare providers and patients in our state. During the 2023 Legislative Session, he authored and championed H.B. 6741, a bill that specifically addresses the protection and welfare of healthcare workers.
“This legislative initiative was designed to ensure that those who sacrifice their own well-being to care for others do not have to face unnecessary risks or even lose their lives while doing so. Our work doesn’t not stop with the passage of H.B. 6741. Her tragic passing must serve as a catalyst for change. By raising awareness and advocating for legislation that protects those who care for our residents, we can honor the memory of this incredible nurse and prevent future tragedies,” Senator Martin said.