Sen. Seminara: CT visiting nurse’s tragic death points to need for policy reforms

November 1, 2023

Sen. Seminara: CT visiting nurse’s tragic death points to need for policy reforms - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Lisa Seminara, the Ranking Senator on the Committee on Children and the Human Services Committee, issued the following statement regarding visiting nurse Joyce Grayson, a devoted foster and adoptive parent who was found dead in a Willimantic basement after an at-home visit with a registered sex offender:

“Absolutely tragic. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Grayson family who have shown such compassion for foster children in our state.  We now must work collaboratively and deliberately to pass bipartisan legislation to better protect Connecticut’s visiting nurses.  We must also get questions answered regarding how this devastating tragedy could have happened.  Those answers can help us in passing additional policies which will fix what is currently broken in the system and make all our health care workers safer.”