Sen. Kelly statement on OPM/OFA Fiscal Accountability Reports: “The guardrails are working.”

November 20, 2023

Sen. Kelly statement on OPM/OFA Fiscal Accountability Reports: “The guardrails are working.” - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly today issued the following statement in response to the Office of Fiscal Management and Office of Policy and Management’s release of Fiscal Accountability Reports:

“As seen with the release of last week’s consensus revenue, the fiscal picture is clear: even with some negativity, it is apparent that the spending caps and fiscal guardrails that Connecticut Republicans pushed for back in 2017 have brought stability and predictability to our state finances after years of ‘permanent fiscal crisis.’ We must not deviate from those guardrails. Simply put: the guardrails are working. They alone provide the path for Connecticut to climb out of being the highest taxed state per capita while forcing politicians to set priorities and make tough choices.  We must stay within the spending cap and within our means. Connecticut Republicans will continue to push back on attempts by the majority to dismantle the spending caps and budgetary guardrails that have helped create our current surplus and reduce debt. As we did this year, Senate Republicans will continue to push for broad-based and impactful property, sales and income tax relief that is neither targeted nor temporary. We must do more for struggling working and middle-class families who have been taking it on the chin due to inflation. Republicans are looking out for them. The sacrifices they are making must be respected.”