Sen. Hwang thanks Easton residents for environmental discussion

November 1, 2023

Sen. Hwang thanks Easton residents for environmental discussion - CT Senate Republic

I write to thank area residents for joining Rep. Tony Scott, Rep. Anne Hughes and me for the recent conversation at the Easton Library organized by the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV).

As Easton’s Senate voice at the State Capitol, I have been committed to enacting and leading policies that protect our land, air, water, and climate.  As a CTLCV environmental champion, I am honored to build collaborative solutions and work in a true bipartisan fashion to reduce pollution from transportation, mitigate climate change, promote climate-smart agricultural practices, preserve open space and protect our waterways and Long Island.

We, as a state and community, have made progress on clean air legislation. But we must continue working to increase recycling rates, divert compostable food waste, and reduce new waste at the source. I want to especially thank Easton residents – and our tireless community sustainable advocates  – for sharing that commitment to these worthy goals which will benefit future generations.  It was great that the municipal candidates running for Easton 1st Selectman  – Democrat David Bindelglass and Republican Wendy Bowditch – attended and supported the event by adding bipartisan awareness.


Tony Hwang