Sen. Seminara: What has to happen for DCF to consider not renewing a contract?

October 12, 2023

Sen. Seminara: What has to happen for DCF to consider not renewing a contract? - CT Senate Republic

(From CT Inside Investigator)

Sen. Lisa Seminara, R-Avon, whose district includes Harwinton, questioned whether given the number of incidences that occurred DCF considered not renewing Bridge’s contract.

Dorantes said not as each of the incidences was responded to and investigated at the time it occurred. She also added that she was not surprised, given what has happened over the course of the last 3 years, that there was a concentration of incidences at the home over the course of a year.

Seminara followed up by asking what would have to happen in a home for DCF to consider not renewing a contract.

Dorantes said she did not believe that was a “black and white answer” and again referenced what had happened over the past few years, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. She added it was not unusual to see youth on youth behavior and that staff incidents were addressed. The result, Dorantes continued, was a corrective action plan.


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