Sen. Sampson Statement on Parents’ Rights & CT Parental Rights Advocates ‘Moms for Liberty’

October 23, 2023

Sen. Sampson Statement on Parents’ Rights & CT Parental Rights Advocates ‘Moms for Liberty’ - CT Senate Republic

Yesterday, I witnessed possibly the worst behavior and misinformation in Connecticut politics I have seen to date. The Avon Democrats have been sharing mountains of false claims and disinformation about the parents’ rights group – Moms for Liberty Harford County.


According to the Stamford Advocate, “The Avon Democratic Town Committee… took the group’s visit a few steps further, calling them radical extremists, whose rhetoric is full of “homophobic, transphobic, racist, and xenophobic vitriol.”


Today, the CT Senate Democrats also tweeted a quote from a Hartford Courant article echoing the sentiment “There’s just no place for bigotry here.”


I personally attended the symposium in Avon yesterday out of curiosity and because I have been involved in the parents’ rights movement in Connecticut for several years. When I arrived, there were many protestors outside, some quite bold and obnoxious yelling at those walking in and making ridiculous claims about book banning and discrimination. There were Black Lives Matter signs and many Pride flags present.


Inside was a quiet and peaceful event, almost like a classroom environment where people exchanged information and discussed growing concerns about progressive policy agenda items finding their way into Connecticut’s public schools. Everyone acknowledged that we have many fine teachers in our state, that there are legitimate concerns about age-appropriate material being shared with young students – and that while no topics should be off limits, political bias has no place in the classroom. The common goal seemed to be maintaining parental oversight to ensure the quality of education.


The only hate or bigotry I witnessed was on the way into this event from protestors. I can tell you from my first-hand account that there was no disrespect or bigotry exhibited by the Moms for Liberty organization or any of the attendees. There were people of diverse ethnicities and different backgrounds, including a transgender woman on the panel who spoke eloquently about her own life experience and strong support for the rights and responsibilities of parents when it comes to their kids’ education.


I was reassured that Moms for Liberty does not want to “ban books.” Rather, they advocate that students are exposed to age-appropriate material and that parents should be aware of exceptions and have the power to be informed and to have a say in those decisions.


There was nothing about this meeting that should alarm any citizen. I would go so far as to say that if the demonstrators outside actually knew the real truth about Moms for Liberty and what was going on inside, they would have supported the mission. It is only the deranged comments of far-left political activists driving this narrative.


I support Moms for Liberty and their mission wholeheartedly. I also strongly support our public school system and the many fine people who make it work every day. And, oh, I don’t agree with banning books either.


I encourage you to ignore the exaggerated claims and propaganda put out by Connecticut’s radical Democrat party leaders and learn about Moms for Liberty yourself before passing judgement.