Sen. Kissel: Significant $$$ for Enfield Affordable Senior Housing

October 20, 2023

Sen. Kissel: Significant $$$ for Enfield Affordable Senior Housing - CT Senate Republic

Sen. John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, said he has served under a variety of governors from both political parties during his 31 years in the legislature and has found Lamont to be “one of the best.” He said Lamont is working “from his heart and is committed to leaving Connecticut a much better place.”

Kissel said Lamont and Housing Commissioner Seila Mosquera-Bruno both want everyone in the state to have a roof over their head and are committed to providing that housing.

He also thanked Bertrand for his dedication to providing housing for Enfield residents. “You couldn’t ask for a better director than Scott,” Kissel said. “You and your staff do a yeoman’s work every day.”