Sen. Kelly: “Safest state” claim is “tone deaf”; Doesn’t match daily CT reality
October 17, 2023

For Immediate Release
Sen. Kelly: Democrats’ “safest state” claim
doesn’t match daily reality in CT cities and suburbs
“Do you feel safer?”
Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly today noted how Connecticut Democrats are “tone deaf” for touting lower rates of violent crime and property crime as daily news headlines report shootings, stabbings, carjackings, lawless street takeovers and other violent acts.
“The majority is actually taking a victory lap on improving public safety?” Sen. Kelly asked. “Every day we see stories that make our communities look like the wild, wild west. Shootouts in the middle of the day. Mayhem within the shadow of the State Capitol dome. Property crimes getting more and more brazen and dangerous. Victims in their vehicles being followed to their homes where they are then confronted, carjacked and assaulted. The people of Connecticut are not buying what the majority is selling. What we see is lawlessness on a daily basis. To take a victory lap is simply tone deaf to what working- and middle-class families are experiencing. Do you feel safer? That’s the real question. Republicans stand ready to work with mayors, law enforcement, the Judicial Branch, victims and their families, and all community stakeholders to pass policies which make our streets safer. A safer Connecticut is our focus.”