Sen. Kelly: Dalio Foundation report is “indictment on our education system.”
October 26, 2023

For Immediate Release
Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly today issued the following statement regarding the state’s efforts to re-engage students and reduce school absenteeism following the Dalio Foundation’s release of a report which found that 119,000 young adults in Connecticut are at-risk of not graduating from high school or are disconnected from post-secondary education or employment:
“This report is an indictment on our education system and demands action. Republicans have repeatedly offered solutions to create better paths to opportunity. Our ideas focus on better education, public housing improvements, truancy, workforce development and vocational opportunities, mentorships, and wrap-around social services. We must get to the root of the problem. While some of our ideas have been passed into law, the majority has had no appetite for reforms to create positive successes instead of criminal outcomes. That’s a real disservice to our youth and our state. Democrats control all the political levers of power in Connecticut. They made promises time and again but never deliver, even though they have the power to do so. Republicans will continue to offer responsible, achievable policy alternatives. We are offering hope, opportunity, and solutions for everyone in our state: cities and suburbs alike. There is a better way to a safer Connecticut and a more connected Connecticut. Let’s get to work.”