Sen. Hwang Blasts UI Fairfield/Southport Proposal’s Lack of Transparency
October 5, 2023

Sen. Tony Hwang issued the following statement regarding the United Illuminating Company’s proposal to erect 115 kV power transmission monopoles across Fairfield and Southport.
“Overwhelming lack of trust, transparency and community accountability. Those are some of the words to describe the unified opposition and emotional frustration regarding UI’s disrespect in not listening to the community during the CT Siting Council docket #516 application process.
Universally, without exception, attendees at the Oct. 5 meeting cited UI’s lack of transparency, lack of community engagement and lack of notification process. They also pointed to the lack of adequate and proper representation on the true scope, scale and impact of the project on residents, businesses and environment.
There is no doubt: The opposition is unified and presents reasonable, convincing and evidence-based arguments. As this region’s state senator, and as the former Vice-Chair of the legislature’s Energy and Technology Committee, I joined with area residents in formally requesting UI’s withdrawal of the current application docket #516 with the Connecticut Siting Council. This project application must be refiled in order to respect consumers’ demand for transparent corporate responsibility. That’s common sense. That is the least that the state and UI must do, and they must listen to the voices of the people.
I encourage all impacted and aggrieved residents to send their thoughts and comments regarding Siting Council Docket #516 to: [email protected] and copy me at [email protected].”