Lawmakers Applaud Small Town Funding Towards Projects to Bolster Economic Growth
September 29, 2023

Senator Heather Somers (R-Groton) and Representative Greg Howard (R-Stonington) commend Governor Lamont for releasing state grants through the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) for towns across Connecticut. The funding will be used to complete a variety of infrastructure improvements, such as road safety reconstruction projects, sewer and drainage upgrades, sidewalk and pedestrian safety enhancements, recreational facility upgrades, and other capital improvement projects. The Town of Stonington will receive $500,000 in state funding for the Mystic River Boathouse Park project. This will be matched by $2,200,00 in municipal funds and $753,889 in additional funds. Additionally, North Stonington will receive $380,922 in state funding matched by $95,231 in municipal funds for a town building and athletic field improvements.
“The Mystic River Boathouse Park had been a long time in the making and promotes the best of the Stonington community. Volunteers, town staff, and elected officials have collaborated to provide residents access to the Mystic River while maintaining the beauty of our shoreline.” Senator Somers said.
“Completion of the Mystic River Boathouse is long overdue, in addition to providing river access to our residents, it will stand as a symbol of what can happen when all partners in a community work together,” said Rep. Greg Howard.
Sen. Somers concluded, “This funding is great news for North Stonington and for its residents. The grant not only helps to make improvements to athletic fields but also enhances recreational opportunities for residents.”
The grants help to fund economic development, community conservation, and quality of life projects for municipalities that are ineligible to receive Urban Act funding.