Speak out on proposed ban on gas-powered cars in CT!

August 17, 2023

Speak out on proposed ban on gas-powered cars in CT! - CT Senate Republic

Did you know that Governor Lamont and his administration have proposed a new regulation to BAN the sale of gas-powered cars and take away your choice to purchase the kind of car you want to drive?


Requiring the purchase of an electric vehicle is expensive in many ways for working- and middle-class Connecticut families. Enacting an EV mandate through regulation prevents me  as your voice at the Capitol – from voting on this huge policy shift. Your voice is being silenced.

This is not how government is supposed to work for its citizens.


So what can YOU do about it?


A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 9:00 A.M. via Zoom.

Register HERE.


The public comment period on the new mandate remains open until Aug. 23. Send your comments to [email protected]. Include your name and town.


Public comment and accountability are vital, so if you see this as an issue, I encourage you to attend the public hearing and get your voice on the record.