Double digit health insurance rate hikes? Speak out!
August 11, 2023

As Ranking Senator on the legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee and as someone who has worked on a bipartisan basis to lower health insurance rates, I want to make you aware of an important public meeting regarding proposed double digit health insurance rate hikes and how you can speak out.
Insurance carriers selling policies on and off Connecticut’s Affordable Care Act Exchange have requested an average increase of 12.4% on 2024 individual health plans.
The Connecticut Insurance Department seeks public comment for an August 21 informational public meeting on those requests.
Anyone wishing to speak virtually at the meeting via Zoom can sign up by sending an email to [email protected] with your name and written comments.
Anyone who wants to speak in person can sign up on the morning of August 21 at the Legislative Office Building beginning at 8:30 AM.
I will be present at the hearing to testify against these rate hikes.
You can also email me your comments at [email protected] with your name and town and I will submit them to the state insurance department. Your comment can simply be: “No to health care rate hikes.”
Thank you for making your voices heard as soon as possible and please spread the word. I will keep you updated on this concerning health care affordability issue.