FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly Applauded Governor Lamont’s Signing of Bills to Improve Access to Reproductive Health Care for Women in CT

July 20, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly Applauded Governor Lamont’s Signing of Bills to Improve Access to Reproductive Health Care for Women in CT - CT Senate Republic

July 20, 2023
Media Contact:
Laura Parete
[email protected]

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly Applauded Governor Lamont’s Signing of Bills to Improve Access to Reproductive Health Care for Women in Connecticut

HARTFORD, CT – Connecticut Senate Republican Leader and Ranking Member of the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee, Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) applauded the Governor’s signing of new laws that improve access to reproductive health care for women in Connecticut. Sen. Kevin Kelly, Sen. Heather Somers (R-Groton), and Sen. Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich) dedicated much of the legislative session to advancing policies to support women’s health and reproductive care.

The new laws include:

  • Public Act 23-128: enacts protections for Connecticut medical providers who offer reproductive health care services against adverse actions taken by another state
  • Public Act 23-52: allows pharmacists to prescribe birth control
  • Public Act 23-41: increases access to reproductive health care services by college students at public institutions of higher education
  • Public Act 23-56: establishes safeguards against the collection, sharing, and selling of personal data online, including health-related information

Sen. Kelly said, “It is imperative that women in our state have improved access to critical services, screenings, and resources to support reproductive health care in Connecticut. This is a positive step in the right direction to prioritize women’s health care and online patient data privacy for people in our state.”

Sen. Kelly worked with bipartisan support on the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee to advocate for policies that safeguard and improve access to resources for maternal health care during pregnancy and postpartum. Sen. Kelly offered an amendment to include pregnancy as a qualifying event to purchase health care insurance in Public Act 23-41, which improves access to reproductive health care for women at higher education institutions. The legislation requires higher education institutions with residential campuses to establish a plan for student access to reproductive health care services and provide educational materials, resources, and maternal mental health screenings.

Sen. Kelly noted that Sen. Heather Somers (R-Groton) and Sen. Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich) co-introduced the proposal to allow trained pharmacists to prescribe birth control (Public Act 23-52).

“Sen. Somers and Sen. Fazio have championed this policy since February. Thanks to their leadership Connecticut will expand access to reproductive health care, give women more options, reduce costs, and improve health outcomes. We have a shortage of medical professionals in our workforce, and we must make sure we are efficiently utilizing skilled professionals to help render health care. Many women don’t have convenient access to primary care physicians and live in reproductive health care ‘deserts’, so they appreciate having this option.”

Senate Republicans have a long track record of supporting legislative initiatives that have improved the lives of women and children across Connecticut. In 2022, Sen. Kelly and former Sen. Paul Formica (R – East Lyme) proposed legislation to support maternal mental health by increasing education, access to resources and screenings, and reducing the stigma surrounding postpartum depression and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

The Connecticut Senate Republicans’ 2022 proposal of a Better Way to a Healthy Connecticut recommended a comprehensive plan to increase screening for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, require education for providers and patients, ensure therapy is covered by insurance, and raise public awareness to break the stigma that surrounds maternal mental health issues.

To learn more about Senator Kelly, please visit

For more information about the CT Senate Republicans’ “A Better Way,” please visit A Better Way – Connecticut Senate Republicans (

 *Sen. Kelly represents the 21st District of Stratford, Shelton, Seymour, and Monroe.
