Sen. Hwang Backs Bill to Lower CT Health Care Costs; CT Hospitals Support Measure

June 8, 2023

Sen. Hwang Backs Bill to Lower CT Health Care Costs; CT Hospitals Support Measure - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Hwang Backs Bill to Lower CT Health Care Costs
and Curb Rising Cost of Rx Drugs

Sen. Tony Hwang today voted in favor of legislation he is co-sponsoring which aims to bring down health care costs and curb the rising cost of prescription drugs. (Bill summary here.)

“The cost of health care is unaffordable in Connecticut,” said Sen. Hwang. “Our health care system is overly complicated. Family budgets are breaking, and people are living paycheck to paycheck as they have difficulty making hard choices on paying for things like health care. That’s why we must constantly be meeting with stakeholders to discuss short-term and long-term solutions to reduce costs and improve competition. This bill seeks to eliminate administrative barriers that drive up health care costs. It seeks to improve community health and health equity. This bill moves us forward as a state and I wholeheartedly support it.”

The legislation, which is supported by Connecticut hospitals will:

  • create a drug discount program for state residents
  • ban certain terms in contracts between health care providers and insurers deemed “anti-competitive”
  • have Connecticut join a multi-state program that offers lower prices through the bulk purchase of generic drugs

“We must keep pressing – as Republicans and Democrats – to make health care more affordable for everyone,” Sen. Hwang said. “Significant annual savings for working class and middle class families is achievable. Providing healthcare relief for struggling small businesses and their employees in Connecticut – a truly transformational benefit – is achievable. We can achieve these goals through transparency, through competition, and by enabling the marketplace to work better for the consumer. This plan will start Connecticut on that more affordable path. It represents thoughtful and impactful solutions to provide relief. Fighting to create a more affordable Connecticut is a vision we can achieve together. It’s the better way.”

The bill now awaits the governor’s signature.

*Sen. Tony Hwang represents the 28th Senate District. He serves as the Ranking Senator on the Connecticut General Assembly’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee. He is the former Co-Chair of the legislature’s Public Health Committee.