(photo) Sen. Kissel Applauds $$ for New England Air Museum
June 22, 2023

For Immediate Release
Sen. Kissel Applauds Grant Award to Improve Visitor Experiences at New England Air Museum
Sen. John A. Kissel, who represents Windsor Locks, today applauded the announcement of a $46,000 state grant for the New England Air Museum to build a recording studio to save visitor memories for future generations. The recording studio will allow visitors to share their stories with the museum, react to exhibits, and contribute to future exhibits.
“The New England Air Museum enables people from around the world to discover the possibilities of flight,” Sen. Kissel said. “From our earliest aviators to the brave pilots who protected our freedoms and liberties, it’s about their unique stories and the history they helped to create. This recording studio will capture memories as they are made at the museum, and it will further enhance the visitor experience.”
A recent episode of “Senator Kissel & Friends” featured New England Air Museum President and CEO Stephanie Abrams and Curator Nick Hurley. It can be watched here.
The funds are being released under the state’s Good to Great Grant Program, which is co-administered by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development and CT Humanities. It was established in 2014 with a goal of helping nonprofit arts, cultural, or history organizations enhance visitors’ experiences in engaging, meaningful, and relevant ways.
Attached photo:
Sen. John A. Kissel, New England Air Museum President & CEO Stephanie Abrams and New England Air Museum Curator Nick Hurley.