FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate Republicans Mourn the Loss of Former Republican U.S. Senator and Governor Lowell Weicker
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Media Contact (Sen. Kelly):
Laura Parete
[email protected]
Media Contact (Sen. Fazio):
Hannah Lemek
[email protected]
Senate Republicans Mourn the Loss of Former
Republican U.S. Senator and Governor Lowell Weicker
HARTFORD, CT- Connecticut Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), Senator Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich), and the entire Senate Republican Caucus mourn the loss of political giant and former Republican U.S. Senator and Governor Lowell Weicker, who dedicated his life to serving the people of Connecticut and our nation. Weicker stood firm and did not waiver in his beliefs of what he deemed right for the State of Connecticut.
Sen. Kevin Kelly said, “Outspoken. Independent. Principled. Lowell Weicker embodied these qualities and had a deep appreciation for the state and the people of Connecticut. He dedicated his life to public service, getting people involved in their communities, and creating a lasting impact on our state. For that, we owe a debt of gratitude to the former U.S. Senator and Governor. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Claudia, family, and friends during this difficult time.”
“Lowell Weicker and Greenwich will forever be synonymous,” said Sen. Ryan Fazio. “He was a leader who constantly challenged the status quo. He didn’t want to win any popularity contests. He was an independent-minded activist who stood up for what he believed in. He strove to make reforms despite intense political and public criticism. Lowell Weicker was a son of Greenwich who led a unique and impactful life of service to help improve the quality of life in our state and nation. For that, he deserves our gratitude and our respect. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family, whom he loved dearly.”