Video | Sen. Cicarella, East Haven Leaders Spotlight Career Technology Education Programs at East Haven High School

April 25, 2023

Video | Sen. Cicarella, East Haven Leaders Spotlight Career Technology Education Programs at East Haven High School - CT Senate Republic

State Sen. Paul Cicarella (R-34), East Haven officials and the town’s bipartisan legislative delegation all converged Monday at East Haven High School to spotlight the school’s Career Technology Education (CTE) programs and equipment, which now includes a brand-new Advanced Manufacturing Lab. The officials then toured the school’s CTE hands-on classrooms, led by principal Vincent DeNuzzo and East Haven Public Schools Superintendent Erica Forti. Other local and state leaders in attendance were East Haven Mayor Joseph A. Carfora, Director of Economic Development Michelle Benivegna, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora (R-86), State Rep. Joseph Zullo (R-99), and State Sen. Christine Cohen (D-12).


The school’s CTE programs served as a genesis and model for legislation introduced by Senator Cicarella during the 2022 and 2023 legislative sessions, in the effort to provide all students with a path toward a successful career beyond a traditional four-year degree. In 2022, he held more than a dozen meetings with local and statewide stakeholders from the education, nonprofit and business communities to identify the myriad workforce development programs that are available and which of these programs ae most effective. Senator Cicarella, an East Haven High School alumnus, leveraged this information to craft sound workforce development policy.


“Thank you to East Haven High School, the town, and the board of education for welcoming us to highlight the great things happening. It’s so important to show our students the options that are available to them beyond a four-year degree. Traveling the state, I was amazed to see the competitive salaries available to those with skills that are in-demand in Connecticut like welding, carpentry, manufacturing or information technology. By modeling programs like East Haven’s, we are putting young people in a position to win in a well-paying career, stay in Connecticut and raise a family,” said Senator Cicarella.


Representative Zullo said, “I commend and thank Senator Cicarella for his advocacy and leadership bringing together stakeholders at our Board of Education, in Town Hall, and amongst our legislative delegation to help build advanced technology and career technical education programs in our school district. Incorporating CTE learning programs into our traditional curriculum encourages our students to gain new skills and explore different passions, and also empowers them to seek and obtain in-demand career opportunities that grow our workforce and economy.  I am excited to see this initiative growing and thriving in East Haven and I look forward to seeing neighboring communities following our footsteps and exploring similar programs.”


Mayor Carfora said, “This type of education has become increasingly important in today’s rapidly changing job market, where many high paying jobs require specialized skills and training. In the short time since the CTE program has been implemented, it has shown real results for students in helping them to land their chosen careers. These programs help to create a skilled workforce that meets the needs of local businesses, which helps to attract new businesses to our area, creating a positive cycle. By providing our young people with practical skills and training, we can help ensure their success and contribute to the growth of our local economy.”


Principal DeNuzzo said, “Our focus has been on preparing our students to be both college and career-ready. Students in our CTE programs are required to locate, analyze, interpret and communicate information; collaborate, develop leadership skills and habits of personal and social responsibility, and adapt to changes. They have the 21st Century skills and resources that provide them the opportunity to use technology that is ever-changing, to go out into the workforce so they can create a better life for themselves and their families.”