Senator Seminara Stands Against Board of Pardons and Paroles Appointments in Continued Efforts to Temporarily Suspend Commutations (Photo Included)
April 12, 2023

April 12th, 2023
Photo Included
Senator Seminara Stands Against Board of Pardons and Paroles Appointments in Continued Efforts to Temporarily Suspend Commutations
HARTFORD- Today, State Senator Lisa Seminara (R-Avon) stood with Senator Heather Somers (R-Mystic) and members of the Senate Republican Caucus in their continued efforts to call on the Administration to suspend prison commutations until the legislature is able to weigh in on the matter. In March, Senate Republicans stood with victims’ families to sound the alarm on the current flawed commutation policy administered by the unelected Board of Pardons and Paroles, which has resulted in an astounding increase in commutations for violent offenders. The push comes with the confirmation vote of Board members in the Senate and Governor Lamont’s newly selected Chair of the Board earlier this week.
Senator Seminara said, “Although we appreciate the Governor’s attempt to rectify the flaws in the board and his efforts to create a more transparent petition process, appointing a new Chair of the Board does not change the procedure that has vastly increased pardons granted in recent years. The commuted sentences include violent offenders who have committed horrific offenses, including rape and murder. Currently, the General Assembly has no oversight of the board or the policies used to grant these petitions. My no vote today represents the plea for commutations to stop until the General Assembly can act on a policy that solves this issue.”
The caucus has called on the Governor to stop commutations until the General Assembly can act on a policy that appropriately addresses this inexcusable oversight.
Photo: Senator Seminara pictured during a press conference with victims’ families
Hannah Lemek
(860) 240-0474