Senator Fazio Stands With Victims and Against Board of Pardons and Paroles Appointments Murder Commutations

April 13, 2023

Senator Fazio Stands With Victims and Against Board of Pardons and Paroles Appointments Murder Commutations - CT Senate Republic

April 13th, 2023
Photo Included

Senator Fazio Stands With Victims and Against Board of Pardons and Paroles Appointments Murder Commutations

HARTFORD- Wednesday, State Senator Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich) stood with members of the Senate Republican Caucus in their continued efforts to call on the Lamont Administration to suspend prison commutations for serious, violent crimes until the legislature can weigh in on the matter. In March, Senate Republicans stood with victims’ families to sound the alarm on the current flawed commutation policy administered by the unelected Board of Pardons and Paroles, which has resulted in an astounding increase in commutations for serious violent offenders. The push comes with the confirmation vote of Board members in the Senate and Governor Lamont’s newly selected Chair of the Board earlier this week.

Senator Fazio said, “With shootings and other serious crimes on the rise over the last three years, releasing dangerous criminals wantonly gives no solace to the community regarding public safety. The caucus recognizes that the Lamont administration sees flaws in the policies granting dangerous criminals their petition for commutation by his appointment of a new chair; however, we must support victims and the surviving families. We have seen a dramatic uptick in commutations granted by the board in the past few years. These are dangerous and often reoffending criminals. Without guidance or oversight from the General Assembly, the unelected board can decide the qualifications to receive granted petitions.”

The caucus has called on the Governor to stop all commutations until the General Assembly can act on a policy that appropriately addresses this inexcusable oversight.


Photo: Senator Fazio pictured during a press conference with victims’ families

Hannah Lemek
(860) 240-0474