Sen. Martin opposes increasing heating oil, gasoline costs
April 3, 2023

Sen. Martin opposes increasing heating oil, gasoline costs
BRISTOL – Sen. Henri Martin has voiced his opposition to a proposed senate bill which he says would make home heating oil and gasoline more expensive.
Martin, a Republican who represents Bristol, Plymouth, Plainville, Harwinton and Thomaston, said that the proposed bill, Senate Bill 1145, “An Act Concerning the Establishment of Sector Specific Subtargets for Greenhouse gas Emissions Reductions and Regulating Emissions of Small-Off Road Engines” “marks a complete abdication of legislative authority.”
He said that it would result in “outsourcing environmental policy-making to the state of California” and “allowing for subsequent new taxes and penalties to be levied on Connecticut’s families without legislative approval.”
Martin vowed to work to defeat the bill.