Sen. Berthel Reacts to Appropriations Committee Vote on FY 2024-25 State Budget

April 19, 2023

Sen. Berthel Reacts to Appropriations Committee Vote on FY 2024-25 State Budget - CT Senate Republic

Chief Deputy Senate Republican Leader Eric Berthel (R-Watertown), ranking member of the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement regarding yesterday’s Appropriations Committee vote on the FY 2024-25 state budget.


“We saw the democratic process at work with the Appropriations Committee’s decision on the upcoming state budget. It’s what our constituents expect of us when they entrust us as their voice in Hartford. With that said, we will have more discussions in the coming weeks as the document makes its way to the House and Senate floor.


“While I supported the current version, my priority is a final budget that is balanced, maintains the stability made possible by Republican ideas, and that addresses the needs of struggling Connecticut families. They are looking for a better way to a state where it is not a burden to heat their home, buy groceries, or literally keep their lights on. Senate Republicans continue to offer ideas that will lead us to this reality. I’m hopeful to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on a budget that achieves this end.”