Ranking Members Senator Harding and Representative Callahan Plea With Colleagues to Act on Significant Legislation After Bear Attacks Woman in Avon

April 23, 2023

Ranking Members Senator Harding and Representative Callahan Plea With Colleagues to Act on Significant Legislation After Bear Attacks Woman in Avon - CT Senate Republic

April 21, 2023

Ranking Members Senator Harding and Representative Callahan Plea With Colleagues to Act on Significant Legislation After Bear Attacks Woman in Avon

HARTFORD- Today, Ranking Members of the Environment Committee, Senator Stephen Harding (R-Brookfield) and Representative Patrick Callahan (R-New Fairfield) called on Senate and House leadership to act on S.B. 1148 after a woman was attacked by a bear while walking her dog Friday morning.

Senator Harding began, “My first concern is for the victim of this frightening attack and their quick and full recovery. After increasingly frequent and dangerous occurrences of this kind of attack, we as legislators have a duty to our constituents and to the safety of our communities to acknowledge the issue before us. What has to occur for us to act in the best interest and safety of the people in our state?”

Friday’s attack is the second case in which a bear was euthanized this week due to dangerous behavior.

“I wish a quick recovery to the victim of this bear attack. I support a comprehensive bear management program, including S.B. 1148, which passed out of the Environment Committee. The experts and bear biologists from DEEP also testified supporting a bear hunt.  Many Republicans submitted bills that included a bear hunt in CT. However, we did not have the votes to advance a bear hunt bill out of committee. Connecticut remains one of two states that does not allow any bear hunting, even as the bear population grows, and human encounters increase year after year,” Representative Patrick Callahan said.

“The legislation supported by Rep. Callahan and myself will be critical towards providing necessary safety measures within our communities, particularly in our districts in Western CT. Now is the time to pass the Bear Management plan that came out of the Environment Committee with bipartisan support this session.

I hope both sides of the aisle can work together to adequately address this ongoing threat and implement a policy that will provide safeguards for all of our constituents”, Harding concluded.

S.B. 1148 currently sits on the Senate calendar, where it awaits action.


Hannah Lemek
(860) 240-0474