Republicans Slam Sen. Lesser’s Effort to Tie Up Legislation to Provide Healthcare Relief for Struggling Small Businesses and Their Employees
March 14, 2023

For Immediate Release
Sen. Hwang, Rep. Pavalock-D’Amato Slam Sen. Lesser’s Effort to Tie Up Legislation to Provide Healthcare Relief for Struggling Small Businesses and Their Employees
Sen. Tony Hwang and Rep. Cara Pavalock D’Amato, Ranking Republicans on the legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee, today slammed the Mar. 14 effort by Democrat Sen. Matt Lesser to use procedural and filibustering tactics to tie up legislation which aims to provide healthcare relief for struggling small businesses and their employees in Connecticut.
“Sen. Lesser’s maneuverings and delays in the committee today speaks volumes about his misplaced priorities,” the lawmakers said. “This legislation could provide a transformational benefit for Connecticut small businesses and their employees. This legislation has received broad based and bipartisan – and bicameral – support from all who agree that the cost of health care for middle-class Connecticut families is anything but affordable. What we saw today from Sen. Lesser was unfortunate and disappointing to anyone who wants to create a more affordable Connecticut.”
The bill, H.B. 6710 would allow multiple small businesses to buy insurance for their employees together as a single entity instead of each negotiating individually. Businesses with fewer than 51 employees would be able to join together with other members of their industry association to purchase medical insurance plans for their employees. The result would expand the ability of small businesses in the state to offer competitive benefits for employees who might otherwise be forced to find their own insurance plans through the ACA healthcare exchanges.
During a Feb. 21 public hearing, the bill drew significant and widespread support, with 37 organizations and individuals speaking out in favor of HB 6710.
Organizations supporting H.B. 6710 include:
— The Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA)
— The Credit Union League of Connecticut
— The Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance
— National Federation of Independent Business
— Connecticut Restaurant Association
— Connecticut Brewers Guild
— Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce
— Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
— Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce
— Greater Waterbury Chamber of Commerce