Sen. Somers: “The idea that Republicans want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security is outrageous.”
February 9, 2023

“I found that it was disconnected from what I’m seeing in my constituents on the street everyday here in the state of Connecticut,” Sen. Heather Somers, (R-18th District), said. “Inflation is on everyone’s mind, whether it’s the price of groceries, or when they go to the gas pump to fill up their gas tank in their car. So I didn’t get the feeling that he really recognized the hurt that people are experiencing.”
“The idea that Republicans want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security, outrageous, disingenuous, and just a bold-faced lie,” Somers said. “That is absolutely not what Republicans want to do, across the nation, and here in the state of Connecticut.”
Somers agrees with the state’s Democratic reps in U.S. Congress, saying the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will have a huge impact in Connecticut.