Sen. Rob Sampson Reacts to Gov. Lamont’s Biennial $50.5 Billion Budget Proposal
February 8, 2023

State Sen. Rob Sampson (R-Wolcott) today reacted to Gov. Ned Lamont’s two-year $50.5 billion state budget proposal that includes the renewal of budget guardrails that Republican lawmakers championed in 2017.
“Like many others, I am pleased to hear that there is at least some appetite for reducing taxes on Connecticut families. However, the small and delayed tax cut that the Governor and Majority Democrats are trumpeting as a lifeline for struggling residents does little to address the pressing issue of affordability in Connecticut. Inflation and energy prices continue to rise. Republican proposals to address the problem continue being ignored and I am not seeing that being addressed in any significant way by Democrats.
“The absence of any significant spending reductions and the questionable promise of savings only further highlights the over-taxation faced by residents. The bottom line of this budget shows clearly that government spending will increase over the two-year span by at least 3.5 percent. How can anyone call that a tax cut? This budget may be marketed as a solution for growth, but it falls short in addressing the real and immediate concerns of Connecticut families. It is smoke and mirrors,” said Senator Sampson.
“I would like to know how, with the Governor’s laundry list of new spending priorities, hardworking residents can reasonably expect their taxes to decrease. The true measure of a tax cut is if the government spends more or less of your money. I encourage everyone to read the Governor’s budget address and find out for themselves. Take note of how many new ‘investments’ are being proposed, which is a euphemism for ‘spending increases.’ Paragraph after paragraph, he outlines expanding programs and spending more tax dollars. Conspicuously absent is any reference to government spending reductions.
“What this budget does do, in fact, is double-down on the Majority’s priorities that have failed Connecticut for a decade. Legislative Democrats are also following the lead with countless damaging proposals that will likely put families in an even larger hole than they are in now through no fault of their own. The budget also doubles-down on this administration’s approach to the business community and hard-working citizens across our state. In the Governor’s address, we heard very clearly that he will be picking what businesses win, and which ones lose, based on how state economic development funds will be directed.
“My constituents will not be distracted by lofty rhetoric or one-sided arguments. Families in my district have common sense and see this as a further burden that awaits. I will continue to offer real solutions for middle and working-class families as their state senator,” he said.