Greenwich Sentinel: Fazio’s Bill 123 “sounds good to us”

February 17, 2023

Greenwich Sentinel: Fazio’s Bill 123 “sounds good to us” - CT Senate Republic

Greenwich Sentinel: Fazio’s Bill 123 “sounds good to us”

Clearly there is evidence of growing frustration with how our utilities operate in Connecticut. There are several bills this session whose purposes are reform, transparency, and creating cost efficiencies. One we like is Proposed Senate Bill 123, which will remove PURA from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). PURA became part of the DEEP about 14 years ago and it never really made sense to us.

Lawmakers from both parties are increasingly feeling that the PURA should be removed from the DEEP. Democrats and Republicans have filed several bills to make this change. Greenwich’s Senator Ryan Fazio, the ranking Senate Republican on the Energy Committee and who sponsored the proposed legislation, said: “Subordinating PURA to DEEP has subordinated the interests of ratepayers.”

Fazio’s bill also has several other sections aimed at reducing costs to consumers. According to Fazio: “There are two overarching goals of our plan, first, to reduce costs and improve reliability of the grid, and second, to strengthen oversight of our utilities to protect rate payers.”

That sounds good to us.