Sen. Ryan Fazio Appointed to Key Leadership Positions

January 9, 2023

Sen. Ryan Fazio Appointed to Key Leadership Positions - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release

Sen. Ryan Fazio Appointed to Key Leadership Positions

Republican State Senator Ryan Fazio was sworn-in on Wednesday at the State Capitol to continue serving the residents of Greenwich, New Canaan and Stamford.

“I am very excited to have been appointed the Ranking Member (Leading Republican) on the Energy and Technology Committee as well as the Ranking Member on the Planning and Development Committee,” Fazio said. “I requested those leadership assignments from our caucus because I think the issues covered are especially important to our district and that I can help make a positive difference.”

Fazio said Connecticut needs to make its electrical grid more affordable and reliable and hold utilities accountable to consumers.

“Connecticut having the third-highest electricity rates of any state is not acceptable,” Fazio said.  “In the coming weeks, I will present a legislative package that reduces costs, improves reliability, and maintains environmental standards.”

Fazio added, “We also must protect local control of our towns and cities while advancing economic and housing goals with local buy-in. I am confident we can do that because I trust our local democratic process. The Planning and Development Committee will be screening many bills that propose to decimate local control of our towns and housing policies. We will need to both stop those, reform 8-30g, and introduce better policies to help create housing in a sustainable manner with more local buy-in.”

Fazio will also serve as a regular member of the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee and the Transportation Committee.

“As promised, I will introduce a substantial income tax cut plan that provides an across-the-board personal and retirement income tax cut and simplifies the tax code to fund the reduction,” Fazio said.  “The governor has indicated he supports a similar concept, so I hope we can all work together in a bipartisan manner to make the policy reality.”

Fazio urged residents to sign up for his State Capitol email updates at

He can be reached at 800-842-1421 and at [email protected].

The Connecticut General Assembly’s 2023 legislative session ends on June 7.