Sen. Kelly Statement on Restoring CT’s Pass-Through Entity Tax Credit

January 18, 2023

Sen. Kelly Statement on Restoring CT’s Pass-Through Entity Tax Credit - CT Senate Republic

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to Governor Ned Lamont’s proposal to restore Connecticut’s pass-through entity tax credit to its original level of 93.01% and to enable small business owners in the state to save money by claiming a larger credit on their personal returns:


“I applaud the Governor’s efforts to create jobs in Connecticut with a more effective tax structure. CT Senate Republicans support making our state more affordable for every working and middle class family. Restoring the pass-through entity tax credit will help grow Connecticut jobs. We must do all we can to support the growth of opportunities for Connecticut workers provided by our small businesses. We look forward to working with the Governor to implement policies that will provide tax relief, and preserve the important, historic fiscal guardrails that are beginning to finally put our state on better financial footing. With that stability, we must also provide relief to help the working- and middle-class and the job creation that supports all families.”