Sen. Kelly, Sen. Fazio Call for Action on Energy Affordability

January 11, 2023

Sen. Kelly, Sen. Fazio Call for Action on Energy Affordability - CT Senate Republic

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and Senator Ryan Fazio (R-Greenwich), ranking member of the Energy & Technology Committee, released the following statement in reaction to a press conference held today by Governor Ned Lamont and state officials highlighting existing energy policies in light of rising electric rates:


“Wherever you go in our state, everyone is talking about how expensive their electric bill is, and those bills don’t even reflect the rate hike that took effect this month, ” said Senator Kelly. “As lawmakers, we must listen to the families we represent and work to solve the problems they face. Connecticut can and must do more – much more – both in the short term and the long term to provide families with relief. We cannot be content with what has been done in the past, we need further action. In the coming days Senate Republicans will share our ideas for a better way to affordable energy. Good ideas find friends, and we hope that our ideas will be welcomed by our colleagues on both sides of the aisle,” said Kelly.


Sen. Fazio added: “This year’s electrical rate increase is a disaster for our residents, but Connecticut’s rates have been too high for too long. The state government’s policy mistakes bear responsibility for the current reality and we need real reform to make bills affordable for our families. Senate Republicans will be releasing a plan that will lower rates both in the medium and long term and improve reliability for everyone. We are ready and willing to work with our friends on the other side of the aisle to make the change that is long overdue.”


Sen. Kelly also addressed the announcement of additional Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) dollars, which still remains below the level of federal funding Connecticut received last year:


“We welcome any and all assistance to help our families stay warm this winter. But the work is far from done and the amount of funding from Washington even with the latest addition remains insufficient to meet Connecticut families’ needs. Federal funds remain lower than what Connecticut received last year, at a time when demand is up 27% and home heating oil prices are up 29% over last year. Today the Department of Social Services Commissioner confirmed that the poorest families will be eligible for only $2,320 in home heating assistance. Last year, that benefit was $4,825. The poorest families aren’t getting even half of what they received last year. I am troubled that the state has still failed to commit enough relief to assist all struggling working and middle class families at the level they need. CT Republicans will continue to advocate for appropriate funding to help our working and middle-class families,” said Kelly.