Sen. Hwang Again Urges Rejection of Aquarion Water’s 27 % Rate Request

January 9, 2023

Sen. Hwang Again Urges Rejection of Aquarion Water’s 27 % Rate Request - CT Senate Republic

Sen. Tony Hwang has sent the following letter to the CT Public Utilities Regulatory Authority:

Jan. 6, 2023

Regarding Docket No. 22-07-01, I write to again urge rejection of the rate hike request by Aquarion Water Co. to raise the amount the utility’s customers pay by an unjustifiable 27 percent over three years.

As the state Senator who represents the people of the towns that would bear the largest brunt of this excessive and unaffordable hike, I again ask you to consider whether this request is at all warranted.

As Connecticut’s Attorney General recently noted, Aquarion has “failed to meet its burden of showing that such a large rate increase is necessary or appropriate.” I appreciate the Attorney General’s observation that incentives should be eliminated for the acquisition of smaller unprofitable water systems and reimbursements for incomplete infrastructure projects. I urge PURA to strongly consider the Attorney General’s recommendations.

As PURA nears the issuance of its draft Feb. 16 decision and its Mar. 15 final ruling, I again request that the authority share any suggestions it may have for statutory changes needed in future rate cases.

From my perspective, Aquarion has not provided insight as to the justification of the rate increase request. I have yet to receive an answer to a key question for Aquarion: What actions have they taken to make water more affordable for customers? Further, I have been unable to get an answer as to the justification for the massive water diversion from Fairfield and Easton to lower Fairfield County, and how that diversion impacted the drought conditions in Fairfield and Easton.

Thank you for your attention to this request and thank you for your efforts to protect ratepayers.


Tony Hwang