Stratford Delegation Applauds Grant Approval for Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation & Career Training
December 8, 2022

State approves $1.6 million grant for Stratford’s Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project & grant for the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
Mayor Laura Hoydick and the Stratford legislative delegation, including Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly, Representative Joe Gresko, Representative Ben McGorty, and Representative Phil Young, are applauding the State Bond Commission’s approval of a $1.6 million state investment in Stratford’s Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project through the State’s Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF) and a $146,000 grant for the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians. Both grants were approved at today’s Bond Commission meeting.
The $1.6 million grant for the Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project is being awarded through the State’s Community Investment Fund 2030 Board, on which Senator Kevin Kelly serves as a Board Member. It will support the town’s efforts to reduce flooding by engineering and constructing improvements to the Bruce Brook network of pipes, culverts and channels. The area to be improved by the proposed project is a densely populated, residential and commercial area that is well known for having suffered property damage from severe flooding for decades.
The Grant for Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians totals $145,615 and is being awarded through the Department of Education to finance various Capital Equipment purchases.
“We are grateful to Governor Lamont and Stratford’s State Delegation for their continued support and advocacy in funding these worthwhile projects. Like every municipality in Connecticut, every dollar is a help toward sustaining and expanding efforts to provide the public and the departments with the services and supports they need. These two grants are going to provide substantial funding to two incredibly valuable causes: needed environmental study to promote the safety and livability of a portion of town, and timely investment in equipment for our local specialized training school,” said Mayor Hoydick.
“I’m proud of Stratford and our legislative delegation working together to advocate for the investment in Stratford’s Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project to further our town’s efforts to reduce flooding and property damage for many residents,” said Senator Kevin Kelly who serves on the CIF board. “This project is focused on promoting environmental justice, protecting residents, and improving quality of life and community development. The Community Investment Fund was developed and passed with bipartisan support to foster economic development in historically underserved communities across the state. I thank the bond commission, CT’s Department of Economic and Community Development and my colleagues who serve alongside me on the CIF board for recognizing the value and importance of this project to residents in both Stratford and Bridgeport.”
Sen. Kelly also applauded the investment in the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians saying, “Supporting and growing our future workforce is vital to advance Connecticut forward. I applaud the state for recognizing the importance of investing in job training programming. Connecticut must do more to help everyone access career pathways and connect with opportunities, including those in our world-leading industries like aviation, to empower individuals and enable all families to thrive in our state,” said Kelly.
“In my conversations with South End residents, flooding and the damage it can cause to their properties is among their top concerns – and rightfully so. I’ve long advocated for the Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project as it will address what has become a consistent problem, and bring residents some peace of mind,” said Rep. Gresko. “Our state is home to industry leaders in aviation engineering, offering opportunity and many well-paying jobs. Workforce development programs, like those offered at the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians, play a critical role in ensuring we are building a talented workforce that learn, and grow their careers, in the state. I’m grateful that the members of the Community Investment Fund Board, the State Bond Commission, and Governor Ned Lamont have made this funding a priority.”
“I am proud to support the decision by the state’s bond commission to make significant investments in our community by developing its local, skilled workforce and enhancing safety measures to protect residents and families,” Rep. McGorty said. “The safety of residents and their families is paramount and this investment in Stratford’s Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project is smart to make it a priority to protect their homes and property from flooding risks. Additionally, the increased funding for the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians will bolster our strong native force of skilled workers and continue to make our region a bastion of job growth and economic opportunity for Connecticut residents.”
“As natural disasters become more frequent, we must make necessary infrastructure changes that protect our residents. The $1.6 million allocated to the Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation Project does just that – it funds a series of renovations that will mitigate the destruction caused by heavy rainfall. It is equally as wonderful that the Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians will also receive funding for much needed equipment. I am grateful for the funding from Bond Commission and their commitment to the safety and economic advancement of Stratford,” said Rep. Young.
Background on the Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF) Grant:
The town will provide $2.4 million and has already invested $775,000 for Phase 1 including study, property acquisitions, design, and permitting.
Stratford is a Public Investment Community, and the proposed water infrastructure capital improvement project promotes economic and community development. It furthers fair treatment of all individuals, fosters livable neighborhoods, solves a difficult economic issue with an innovative solution.
The Community Investment Fund is a statewide program authorized in Section 32-285a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Grants may be awarded to Municipalities designated in state law as Public Investment Communities or Alliance Districts, community development corporations which serve one or more eligible municipalities, and not-for-profit organizations which serve one or more eligible municipalities. Eligible projects must consistently and systematically advance fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved and marginalized communities.
The Bruce Brook Flood Mitigation project will reduce the frequency and severity of rainwater flooding and resulting property damage. Sage Avenue, West Avenue, Boew, Graham, and Bruce Avenues are the affected areas in three census tracts. Each has a portion designated by FEMA as a Special Flood Hazard Area. The proposed solution is a four-phase water infrastructure capital improvement project. The project will increase waterway capacity of channels and culverts from US Rt 1 to Barnum Ave, where relief culverts are located, and then further south to the Metro North railroad just shy of state Rt 130. The project will be designed to protect against a 50 year rain event. The street serves as the boundary between the Town of Stratford and the City of Bridgeport, and will benefit both communities.
The town previously in 2003 completes a Master Drainage study, in 2009 a Hydrology Report of the Watershed detailed the causes and provided possible solutions. The town implemented projects in 2017 to reduce flooding, and also acquired two properties from the City of Bridgeport to facilitate the implementation of Phase 1 of this project.