Sen. Martin Named Deputy CT Senate Republican Leader
December 21, 2022

For Immediate Release
Sen. Martin Named Deputy CT Senate Republican Leader
“Let’s seize this opportunity to get this economy growing.”
Senator Henri Martin (R-31th District) has been named Deputy Republican Leader of the Connecticut State Senate in the upcoming 2023-2024 legislative sessions. The 31st District includes Bristol, Harwinton, Plainville, Plymouth and Thomaston.
Martin, who begins his 5th term in January, will continue to serve as Ranking Senator on the Connecticut General Assembly’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee and the Commerce Committee. He will also serve as a member of the Transportation Committee and the Executive and Legislative Nominations Committee. He will continue to serve as a voting member on the State Bond Commission.
“It is an honor and a privilege to represent the people of the 31st District,” Sen. Martin said. “I thank Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly for naming me a deputy leader. My focus continues to be on making our state safer and more affordable. We need to pass significant tax relief and eliminate wasteful government spending while helping to train our future workforce. We also need safer streets, and we must support our law enforcement officials in any way we can.”
Sen. Martin has been an opponent of tax hikes and successfully fought against tolls. He also pushed for an enforceable state government spending cap, which was part of the budget passed in 2017.
Sen. Martin said he plans to explore legislation to help students obtain work skills for various career paths while still in high school. He said he will also focus on enabling students to earn certificates and college credits while interning or while participating in an apprenticeship program.
“College isn’t for everyone,” Martin said. “And we have a major demand for jobs in the trades. Employers need more welders, plumbers, electricians, and HVAC technicians. They also need people with manufacturing skills as well as culinary arts training. We need to listen to our job creators. As lawmakers, we should work together to create those paths to lifelong careers right here in Connecticut.”
Sen. Martin, who is a member of the legislature’s bipartisan Manufacturing Caucus, said he intends to work with Democrats and Republicans to forge future policy solutions to address employers’ needs in central Connecticut and throughout the state. He has consistently worked to expand apprenticeship training to better prepare young people for jobs in multiple different fields throughout Connecticut.
“Our common goal as Democrats and Republicans should be to give more young people an opportunity to develop the job skills Connecticut businesses are looking for,” Sen. Martin said. “Let’s make sure those who are not going to pursue a four-year degree still have many pathways to quality employment and rewarding careers which enable them to address the demands of Connecticut’s employers. Let’s seize this opportunity to get this economy growing.”
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